Friday, January 15, 2010

It's Official...

... I've been unemployed for a whole entire year as of this week. That's an entire 367 days (as of today) without working. 367 days ago, I never thought that I would see this day. I honestly thought that I would find a new job within a month, two months max. It's not that I didn't realize what was going on in the world around me as the recession started, it's that I thought I was such a "catch" as an employee that some company would snatch me up super quick.

So far, that company hasn't found me. Or I haven't found them. Either way, we haven't met yet and I'm trying to figure out what that means. Does it mean that I'm looking in the wrong places? Is something bigger than me trying to send me a message that I'm misinterpreting? Have I just wasted an entire year of opportunities that I didn't even see or realize were there for me? It's hard not to get disappointed when you've been unemployed for an entire year but at the same time it's also hard for me not to be positive when I look back on the year that I had.

In comparison to the millions of unemployed who have had to go on food stamps and shop at food banks, lost their homes to foreclosure and become homeless, I've lived a pretty "privileged" unemployed life. I have a wonderful family that has been nothing but supportive. Rather than let me get into a situation where I would lose my apartment, my cousins offered their home to me (of which I took them up on the offer). My friends lent their internet and computers (cheers to you Bridget!) so that I could job hunt all afternoon rather than the one hour time limit at the library. And I've been able to enjoy my free time with friends who unfortunately are also unemployed.

I am amazed by everything I've been able to do while on a budget this past year. I still bought new clothes - just not as many as usual. I still went to the movies - usually a matinee and not as often as before. I went to the MIA a couple of times - it's free all the time and I hit up the Free Thursday put on by Target. Laid out by the pool and worked on my tan - I hadn't done that in years! Went to a Twins game in the middle of the afternoon for the first time ever! Started writing a novel - it's still a work in progress. And enjoyed a gorgeous afternoon viewing the Walker's outdoor exhibits.

So it only seems fitting that on the one year "anniversary" of that fateful day last winter I went on a job interview. I haven't heard if I did or did not get the job. No news is good news... right? Eventually I will become employed again so until that day comes, I'm going to continue the job hunt and enjoy the free time that I have.

1 comment:

  1. What an optimistic outlook on being unemployed! Good for you. Not that I want you to still be unemployed come summer..... but wouldn't it be fun to hang out all summer again? :)
