Saturday, January 30, 2010

Baseball Season

I can't even believe that I'm about to say this - considering it is currently 5 degrees outside - but baseball season is almost upon us! That's right, I'm already looking forward to seeing my favorite boys of summer take the field. It's really hard to think that in a couple short months there will be green grass, the sun will be setting after 5:15pm, and warm temperatures will soon be arriving. Until that happens, I had to get my baseball fix by heading to Twins Fest today.

So off to Twins Fest I went with Tracy and Aaron. And get our baseball fix we did! We caught some radio commentary - thanks Justin, Cuddy, JJ Hardy, and Joe. We registered for the opportunity to participate in a random drawing to maybe buy tickets to the opening series in the new stadium. We chatted with some slightly snotty Twins wives. And, most of all, we enjoyed one last hurrah at the Metrodome.

I won't say that I absolutely love the Metrodome. It's not a baseball stadium in any way, shape, or form. There really isn't anything like catching a baseball game on a gorgeous summer night. So I'm definitely looking forward to soaking up the sun at the new Target Field. But, come April, I sure will miss the teflon roof the Metrodome provides to protect me from the outdoor elements. Some cold games are going to be played at the new stadium and I'm pretty sure that I won't be there.

I still don't understand why the Twins organization would build a stadium on a site that doesn't even allow the stadium to be built roof ready. Yeah, I understand not wanting to ask the taxpayers for more money for a retractable roof up front. But seriously, the way the stadium was built and the size of the land that it was built on, doesn't even allow for the option of a roof anytime down the line. We all think so positively about outdoor baseball because we've been living inside our "bubble" for too long.

So, for as much as I love baseball and everything that it comes with, here's to a little apprehension heading into this season. I can't wait for my boys of summer to arrive... I just hope they bring lots of nice weather them.

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