Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I love tapering! I wish every workout week was all about cutting back. I thought about going to the gym this morning but decided not to. I'm tapering, I shouldn't be adding extra workouts this week as I prepare for the big race on Sunday. Oh tapering. But I guess if I was constantly cutting back my workouts, then I would eventually stop working out. And not working out is not an option, so it's good that I don't "taper" all the time.

It was so nice running only 5 miles on Sunday. The weather was finally cool (although a bit windy). I had forgotten what it felt like to run in 55 degree weather. Every other run so far during running clinic has been done when it's been 75+ degrees, making running rather unenjoyable. Who wants to run 10 miles when it's hot and humid outside? Not me.

Let's all just keep our fingers crossed that at 7:15am on Sunday it is 50 degrees outside with no rain or wind. The current forecast is looking a little iffy. Granted, it's Tuesday and Sunday is still 5 days away so the weather forecast is bound to change at least once. But I don't like where it is headed. Rain would probably be better to run in than wind. But I don't want it to rain since my sisters are making signs to hold along the race course. How crappy for them to be standing out in the rain, cheering me on, holding up signs that are being ruined in the rain. I don't want my sparkly signs to be ruined! I'm planning on keeping them forever after the race.

I never thought that I would be the person who said, "Yeah, I only ran 5 miles on Sunday. It was a shorter run." When I started running, on my first ever treadmill run, I managed more than a mile without stopping. That was a workout! But I was so proud of myself. Then I did my first 5k (who remembers the Turkey Trot... Bridget, Sara, Leah???) and thought that was an accomplishment never to be duplicated. And now here I am, having completed numerous 5k races, two 10k races, and ready to conquer a 10 mile race. I never thought that I would be a "runner". Never!

TC 10 mile... here I come!!

1 comment:

  1. We are totally runners! Speaking of which, I'm off for a "short" 4-miler tonight. :)
