Note the picture at left. These are my pre-race "rewards" from the race expo. I like to think of it as my reward for all of the hard work I did training and getting my body into race day shape. Besides, who doesn't love baked chips? Who doesn't want some granola bars and granola cereal? Who doesn't need some soft baked cookies and raisins? And, who doesn't want some free juice, a water bottle, and a stress ball? I paid my race fee to have the opportunity to run 10 miles, I earned these goodies. And I definitely maximized my time while perusing the various race sponsors. I made a haul!
On a more serious note, tomorrow is the big day. The TC 10-mile course is calling my name (well, my name and 10,499 others' names). I've prepped and planned. I attended every race clinic session - woot woot for perfect attendance. I've run all of the long runs in preparation, including two 10-mile runs. I took my legs out for one last pre-race jog this morning. There's not much more else I can do other than show up tomorrow morning and give it my all. (I even have my race day outfit all laid out on my bed right now. It's like picking out your outfit for the first day of school!)
So, TC 10-mile, it's been fun preparing myself to conquer your course. I know that Tracy and I are going to give our all and show you that we're bigger than your hills. That your twists and turns won't get us down. Our friends and family are going to cheer loud and proud, holding up glittery signs and biking along beside the route, to show you that you are no match for our guts. We'll show you race course.
TC 10-mile race course... you're going down!! Finish line, here we come!!
enjoy your first 10 mile :) you won't forget it! and this course is a lot of fun, even if it's pitch black as you board the busses to the start (if that's how you go...most do...) have a great race! the downhill at the finish is one of the best things :)