Monday, August 17, 2009

Yellow Buttermilk Cupcakes

This recipe makes a lot of cupcakes! I made almost 4 dozen cupcakes from this recipe. My bowl of batter was so very close to overflowing. It was quite interesting mixing the final few ingredients into the batter. I was very close to making a huge mess in my kitchen.

Martha suggests making your own vanilla frosting. Instead, I purchased fluffy white frosting and also used some chocolate fudge frosting. I think I liked the fluffy white frosting more, but who can turn down chocolate frosted buttermilk cupcakes? No one that I know of.

Since I got so many cupcakes from this recipe, I decided to freeze some of them. We'll see how well they thaw when I decide to remove them from the freezer. For whatever reason, these cupcakes seemed a bit on the dry side. So I really hope they aren't even more dry tasting when I thaw the frozen ones. I don't know if I mis-measured some of the dry ingredients but they just didn't seem as moist as I was hoping they would be. They were still good, just a little dry.

They were a huge hit with some of my former co-workers. I baked the batch the day before we met up for a happy hour. So not only do they miss me and my excellent "work" skills, but now they really miss me because they got a taste of the yummy cupcakes they don't get to eat. :)

Other than the chocolate chip cupcakes, these have been my favorite. Very classic recipe.


  1. Yellow cake with chocolate frosting is my favorite!

  2. I guess now I know what to bake for your big birthday later this year!
