Thursday, November 12, 2009

Big Move

So, I've moved. I wasn't planning on moving but my cousin and his wife made me an offer that I couldn't refuse. A few months ago, we were discussing what I would do if I still didn't have a job by the time my unemployment benefits ran out. I said that I would probably move back home to Blue Earth and figure out what to do and where to go from there. They said that I could always move in with them if it came to that. Then we just started talking about it and it turned into a possibility now.

With that decided, I gave my two months notice to my apartment building people and started thinking about packing. Naturally, I didn't start packing until the two weeks before I had to be out. Why pack gradually when I could save it all for one last hurried rush?! Thank goodness I have great friends and a super mother who were willing to help me lug my belongs across the metro. My mom was definitely a trooper for the two days that she was helping me. I don't know if she would lasted another day... I really put her to work. :)

Now that I'm at home in Eden Prairie, I'm trying to find new ways to store my stuff in my smaller spaces. I didn't realize how much "stuff" I had accumulated when I lived in my most recent apartment. My first purchase was a couple small organizers for my bathroom stuff. The second purchase was a three drawer dresser to store my sweaters (I have much less closet space now) and to use as a tv stand. And now I'm trying to figure out what my third purchase is going to be. I still have boxes full of stuff to unpack but it's mainly the miscellaneous things that I don't know what to do with or how I want to organize them.

Some of it is stuff that I have to hide so that my little cousin Josh doesn't get his greasy paws on it. You gotta love the kid but man can he get his fingers on every last thing that you don't want him to. It's almost like he can just tell what he shouldn't touch and then he touches it. And he's a pro at hiding things without realizing that he's hiding it. Just ask his mom where her headphones went. It's a mystery!

All in all, my digs are pretty great. I'm still trying to figure out where everything is - not only in the house but in my new town. I've pretty much decided that Eden Prairie is one giant loop. No streets run straight and you never end up where you think you were headed. Slowly but surely, I'll figure it out.

1 comment:

  1. It's about time you wrote again! Post about your NaNoWriMo next! I forgot to ask you about it. :)
